World Postal Codes
Worldwide postal code search REST API. Nearest postal codes within a given distance. Find zip / postal code for a given place.
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Remaining Hits: 1,000 (this month from your IP)
API Key Info
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1,000 / 1,000 (requests per month)
€59 / Month Login to upgrade
Get nearby locations for given lat,long coordinates
What is it ?
Returns all neighbouring locations worldwide for a given pair of lat,long coordinates.
Example API call (click, don't be shy):[API_KEY]/[USER_ID]
GET Parameters:
coords=41.701627,-87.698364 // Latitude and Longitude pair of coordinates separated by comma.
within=150 // The distance radius to search for neighbouring places within.
unit=Miles // Either Miles or Km (please mind the upper-case M and K).
group=place_name // Avoid duplicate results by grouping your results by any of the returned fields. Default grouping is by place_name. Group by id to get all zip codes.
start=0 // The results are paginated. The start offset. Limit is always 100.
Get nearby locations for given zip / postal code
What is it ?
Returns all neighbouring locations worldwide for a given zip / postal code and country code.
Example API call (click, don't be shy):[API_KEY]/[USER_ID]
GET Parameters:
zip_code=75050 // The zip code you want to get neighbours for
country_code=US // The country code you want to get neighbours for
within=150 // The distance radius to search for neighbouring places within.
unit=Miles // Either Miles or Km (please mind the upper-case M and K).
group=place_name // Avoid duplicate results by grouping your results by any of the returned fields. Default grouping is by place_name. Group by id to get all zip codes.
start=0 // The results are paginated. The start offset. Limit is always 100.
Zip / Postal Code Search by location
What is it ?
Search worldwie postal / zip codes for any given fuzzy address, sate, country, etc...
Only returns top 150 matches.
Example API call (click, don't be shy):[API_KEY]/[USER_ID]
GET Parameters:
zip_query=Santa Clara California US // Just any fuzzy or fixed address or zip code you want to search for.
Guest Lookups: | 1,000 / Month |
FREE User Lookups: | 100,000 / Month |
Premium User Lookups: | 999,999,000,000 / Month
€59 / Month Login to upgrade